Catherine A. Oleksiw, Ph.D. is the founder and president of Measured Transitions LLC.
She is a skilled educator, speaker, coach, and facilitator with expertise in evaluation and in building the capacity of clients in monitoring and tracking organizational and program success.
Philosophy on Engaging: Curiosity and Creativity are key elements. Let’s talk about the right questions to ask and how best to answer those questions. In partnership, let’s design a plan for gathering the evidence you need to make informed decisions about your programs and organization.
Holistic Approach: The best solution connects all the essential dots. We align your mission and business goals with your program goals and objectives and, in turn, with your resources and human capital capacity. Through this alignment process the most important indicators of success come to the surface. These are the indicators that will best measure your success.
Catherine’s Strengths
- Integration of strategic and business planning with ongoing impact analysis
- Research and evaluation design and implementation
- Review and design of business and data systems including cross-site monitoring
- Evaluation capacity-building through training, coaching, and ongoing advisement
- Return on Investment (ROI) measurement and evaluation analysis
- Ph.D. in Educational Psychology: Measurement & Evaluation, Columbia University, NY, NY. (Program focused on Statistics, Research Design, Program Evaluation, and Test Construction.)
- Professional Certified Coach (International Coach Federation)
- Advise and consult with government, businesses, nonprofits (executive directors and boards), universities and foundations on performance management, and outcomes-based measurement
- Design and conduct research and evaluation studies
- Through training and coaching, build client capacity to create and implement systems that measure program and policy outcomes
- Design systems for measuring and tracking outcomes
Prior to founding Measured Transitions, Catherine conducted research and evaluation studies for programs funded by state and federal government, universities and national and local foundations. She also led a research team for an education publishing firm. She has taught undergraduate and graduate-level psychology and education courses in statistics, research design, and assessment. The part of her work she has always loved best is delivering training and assistance to those seeking to determine how their programs and services are making a difference for their clients and customers.